Friday, August 14, 2009

HHYT, Week 1, Day 4

Okay, technically it's the morning of day 5, but I was too busy last night staring at the summer homework and reading about a page of it until I got frustrated and just watched Degrassi (I'm so productive, right?) so I didn't have time to blog.

But anyway, yesterday we officially fell behind. We were supposed to stage up to page 81, but only got up to 77... I know, what a sin, right? But since today has less dance numbers (yesterday we choreographed Be Our Guest and half of Gaston which are the big dance scenes) we'll hopefully catch up today. Then again, maybe we're behind because everyone seems to like talking (which includes me, but I only do it when I'm NOT on stage unlike some people). Which means we got that nonsense "It's their play, I don't need a clean scene" spiel... again. Which is incredibly effective but just bothers me for reasons listed in the previous post. Well, not previous, since the last post was actually by Basil! Yes!!!!!! Welcome back!

I just discovered I can change the post date, which means I can lie to all of you and make it look like I posted it yesterday. But I won't lie to you.

Anyway, while staging Gaston, Luke decided I was a much better gymnast than I was and told me to go into a round-off back-walkover, which I had never done before. But because I like to think highly of myself, I decided I'd try it... although there was no spotter... and hardwood floor. But then again, I fall ALL THE TIME. Which means I've learned how to catch myself, so I knew if I failed I wouldn't get severely injured... at least that's what I thought.

But as it turns out, I didn't need to catch myself because I did it. It just worked for some reason.

So now I have to go for day 5, more thorough report on today later. Sorry about the lack of description for today... err... yesterday.

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